User Profiles for Confluence

Transcend Traditional Collaboration Boundaries

Tired of manually looking for the right subject matter expert?

With User Profiles for Confluence, display essential user information in profile cards and get connected instantly. Sync profiles directly from external user directories, giving your team accurate, up-to-date information at their fingertips.

User Profiles for Confluence Build Robust User Profiles

Discover how User Profiles for Confluence synchronizes important profile data from external user directories and delivers relevant contact information exactly when needed.

Benefits of User Profiles

Seamless Integration

Automatically sync important contact information from external directories such as Entra ID, LDAP, and Active Directories to Confluence via powerful macros.

Effortless Synchronization

Say goodbye to manual updates and hello to time-saving efficiency. Let User Profiles for Confluence handle the syncing from external directories via macros so you can focus on what matters most.

Elevate Collaboration

Facilitate smoother collaboration within your team. With User Profiles, your teams easily connect with the right person, share insights, and foster a culture of collaboration.

Dynamic Profile Macros

Easily embed dynamic user profile macros within Confluence pages for instant access to colleague information, streamlining communication and collaboration.

Real-time Status Updates

Check your colleagues' Microsoft Teams status directly from Confluence, enabling timely communication and collaboration based on their availability.

Hosting Options Choose a Hosting Option That Suits Your Needs.

User Profiles for Confluence offers tailored solutions for both Cloud and Data Center environments. Explore each hosting option’s specific benefits and features to determine the best fit for your organization.

Contact Information Display

Use macros to easily add a contact person or PIC to pages or news for quick and convenient contact.
Data Center
Create powerful user-profiles and org charts with additional fields for languages, skills, expertise, and more.

External Directory Sync

Sync profile pictures, emails, and phone numbers from Microsoft 365.
Data Center
Sync user profiles with Active Directory or LDAP for up-to-date profile pictures and key contact information.

User Search and Filter

Configure lists of users from Microsoft 365 by position, department, or location for quick contact.
Data Center
Use advanced filters to search profile cards by department, location, position, and more.

Seamlessly Connect

Cloud & Data Center
See a person's recent Teams status and start a chat in Microsoft Teams right from the contact person macro. A click is all you need to get connected!

User Profiles for Confluence Cloud

User Profiles for Confluence Data Center

Struggling with your Cloud Migration? We've got you covered!

Check out our Migration Hub for expert resources to make it a breeze. Explore our wealth of documentation and resources to tackle your migration challenges head-on. 

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