SharePoint Connector for Jira

Break free from information silos

Strengthen collaboration by connecting Jira with SharePoint! Break free from information silos - integrate your Jira issues with SharePoint and OneDrive in Office 365 today

Try it free

Easily attach files from SharePoint in Jira

Leverage collaboration and document management in Jira Cloud! Easily insert documents located in SharePoint Online and OneDrive into Jira. Personalize your experience by customizing your view with card or list options.

Accelerate your workflow in Jira for maximum efficiency

End the feeling of confusion & the tedious cycle of downloading, editing and uploading files. By connecting Jira with SharePoint, you can edit in 1 click and gain peace of mind knowing your files are always up to date.

Create a single source of truth for your teams!

Securely connect Jira with SharePoint, eliminate information silos and unify your teams’ knowledge. Connect documents in real time and keep them updated at all times. Empower your team with a single source of truth.

Your security is our top priority!

Our seamless Jira and SharePoint integration takes place entirely within the browser, ensuring that your data remains safe and secure. Not only are we committed to protecting your privacy, we also have the ISO27000 and ISO9001 certifications to show for it. We will never collect or store any unnecessary end-user data.

Easily attach files from SharePoint in Jira

Leverage collaboration and document management in Jira Cloud! Easily insert documents located in SharePoint Online and OneDrive into Jira. Personalize your experience by customizing your view with card or list options.

Accelerate your workflow for maximum efficiency

Eliminate the frustrating & repetitive cycle of downloading, editing and re-uploading files. By connecting Jira with SharePoint, you can edit in 1 click and gain peace of mind knowing your files are always up to date.

Get the Best of Jira in SharePoint

Integrate your Jira issues into SharePoint seamlessly. With the table or card view, you can improve your task management experience, smoothly bringing your Jira tasks to SharePoint.

Create a single source of truth for your teams

Securely connect Jira with SharePoint, eliminate information silos and unify your teams' knowledge. Connect documents in real time and keep them updated at all times. Empower your team with a single source of truth.

Get started today and join 4,000+ companies who are working smarter with Communardo products.

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