Scrum versus reality workshop at Communardo
We at Communardo not only develop products that help customers work efficiently but also work on ourselves to become better at what we do.
We, Scrum Masters, know that the Scrum framework has a lot of benefits. But we wanted to spend some time reflecting on what Scrum tells us and what we tend to do in reality. Hence, we organized a remote workshop for all our colleagues within the organization.
The goal of the workshop was to get comfortable with Scrum and thus work more efficiently and with joy.
In short: To be more scrumish.
But how should we motivate the participants? After some thinking, we came up with the following approach: Before the workshop, we collected gaps or deviations from various team members’ perspectives and transformed them into “postcards”. In the workshop, we started telling a “Story of Scrum” that travels around the world and writes a postcard (“Greetings from real-world Scrum”) whenever it spots a flaw somewhere. And then it was the turn of the participants. After choosing a few topics (postcards) to be worked on based on voting, we jumped into group sessions and the group members worked on specific topics they were interested in. The groups worked on the topics trying to answer questions like:
- What is the problem?
- Why is this a problem?
- How the problem can be solved?
So what was achieved from the workshop?
It is rather learning from the process than from the results themselves. Elements like an exchange on the same topic with members from other teams, collaboration, time management, and brainstorming of possible solutions are a bonus in addition to learning about Scrum.
From the potential benefits we have noticed in the workshop, we are happy to share our knowledge and experience to help other teams which might need them.
Is this something you want your teams to experience and give a chance to improve your daily work? Just contact us